
The education we provided is complementary to traditional-disciplinary ones, striving for more forward-looking exploration.

Advanced Materials


Advanced Materials, concerned with the structure and properties of materials, are enablers for existing and future technological innovations like microelectronics, biomedical devices, renewable energy / sustainable environmental technologies, and quantum communication / computing. Given the interdisciplinary nature and the diversity of materials science and technology, the aim of the Advanced Materials Thrust (AMAT) is to foster close collaborations with hubs (schools)/thrusts (departments) to conduct internationally leading research on impactful cutting-edge materials discovery and innovation.

Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences


The Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences (EOAS) Thrust aims to become a leading educational and research entity in interdisciplinary studies of ocean-atmosphere-land interactions. EOAS targets on interdisciplinary research topics that have vast open space to be explored. It delivers an interdisciplinary educational and research program that links earth surface science, oceanography, and atmospheric science together. This interdisciplinary knowledge in a holistic view of the earth system is essential to achieving and maintaining a sustainable environment under climate change on regional and global scales.



Through our advanced international courses, pioneering research, and collaborations with industry, Microelectronics Thrust is committed to nurturing the next generation of innovators, researchers, and experts in the field. Our research encompasses a broad spectrum of areas, offering students the opportunity to participate in cutting-edge research in device and fabrication, circuit design, chip architecture and systems, and electronic design automation. Our faculty comprises distinguished professors from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, as well as top academics recruited from leading institutions worldwide, in accordance with international academic standards and practices. Currently, Microelectronics Thrust has established state-of-the-art facilities, including the Novel IC Exploration Facility, Nanosystem Fabrication Facility, Materials Characterization and Preparation Facility, Central Research and Education Software Tools, and EDA research center, forming a comprehensive research and teaching system spanning materials, devices, processes, design, packaging, testing, and systems.

Sustainable Energy and Environment


Sustainable Energy and Environment (SEE) Thrust, as a cross-disciplinary hard science platform, the vision is to become a leading program in cross-disciplinary education and research in sustainable energy and environment area. It provides the dynamic research agenda spans following research areas, where researchers are focusing on next-generation sustainable energy systems with low carbon footprint. The strategic research areas in SEE are novel renewable and green energy generation, novel energy storages, digital energy/power technologies, advanced energy conversion, smart buildings, air pollution control, and carbon neutrality.


As a cross-disciplinary platform, we embraces students with strong analytical mind from a diverse set of background.

Faculty Strength

Faculty Profiles Function Hub has spared no effort to build a strong faculty of interdisciplinary and diverse backgrounds.

  • 9

    Chair Professor, Professor, Associate Professor
  • 53

    Assistant Professor
  • 35

    Affiliate Professor, Adjunct Professor, Professor of Practice

Dean's Message

We sincerely hope that you can join us to witness and participate in our academic achievements and practical advancements which make significant impact on society.

Weijia WEN

Chair Professor, Dean of Fucntion Hub

Campus Life

Our vibrant and engaging campus life enabling students to focus on their studies and pursue happiness and personal growth.

About Function HUB

Function Hub mainly focuses on hard and natural science and emphasizes basic scientific research, engineering innovation and technology transfer.



Our cutting-edge research facilities are shared with HKUST and open to industry and other universities for collaboration