We wish all prospective students will take the dual approach in your academic pursuit: you will combine the traditional curiosity-driven efforts with the modern mission-encouraged responses to grand challenges which require cross-disciplinary approach.


Advanced Materials Thrust

To rigorously explore the fundamental materials structure and property relationships;
To unlock the potential of basic elements of natural sciences for conducting cutting-edge research for materials discovery and innovation;
To become a global leader in functional materials research and development.

Brief Introduction

Advanced Materials, concerned with the structure and properties of materials, are enablers for existing and future technological innovations like microelectronics, biomedical devices, renewable energy / sustainable environmental technologies, and quantum communication / computing. Given the interdisciplinary nature and the diversity of materials science and technology, the aim of the Advanced Materials Thrust (AMAT) is to foster close collaborations with hubs (schools)/thrusts (departments) to conduct internationally leading research on impactful cutting-edge materials discovery and innovation.

Cross-Disciplinary Focus Areas

  • Functional polymer materials
  • Metamaterials
  • Bio-engineering and bio-medical materials
  • Optoelectronic materials
  • Quantum materials
  • Electronic materials
  • Materials Informatics
  • Wearable sensors

Future Career Pathways

The PhD program in Advanced Materials will provide academically outstanding students an unrivalled opportunity to study for a rigorous research degree that prepares them to have substantial impact on future new materials discoveries and engineering. Students graduating from this program will be sought after for work in academic institutions, in industries or even in building new startups.