We serve the human world by studying the physical world.
We target on interdisciplinary research topics with vast open space to explore.


Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences Thrust

Its aim is to become a leading educational and research entity in interdisciplinary studies of ocean-atmosphere-land interaction in the earth system for the regional sustainable environment and climate change.

Brief Introduction

The Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences (EOAS) Thrust aims to become a leading educational and research entity in interdisciplinary studies of ocean-atmosphere-land interactions. EOAS targets on interdisciplinary research topics that have vast open space to be explored. It delivers an interdisciplinary educational and research program that links earth surface science, oceanography, and atmospheric science together. This interdisciplinary knowledge in a holistic view of the earth system is essential to achieving and maintaining a sustainable environment under climate change on regional and global scales.

Cross-Disciplinary Focus Areas

  • Climate Adaptation and Resilience
  • Atmospheric Science
  • Earth and Urban System Science
  • Oceanography
  • Hydrology and Earth Surface Processes

Future Career Pathways

There are increasing concerns on climate change, sustainability of the environment, blue economic development in ocean, and urban development of coastal regions that habitat >40% of the world’s population. These cross-disciplinary issues are tightly related to the research themes of the Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences (EOAS) Thrust. Graduates from EOAS can embrace numerous career opportunities in governmental agencies, consulting firms, universities, and private corporations that involve in various aspects like land planning and development, ocean engineering, fisheries, and aquaculture.